RIFF JTAG – HTC Desire new security supported

16.12.2010  HTC Desire New security supported

New DLL contains updated DCC loader in order to support different memory map layout, and support for 4kb paging.

Please start JTAG Manager and click “Check for Updates” button. You’ll be notified about new DLL, download it and restart the software.
“HTC_Desire.dll” contains pinout, repair instructions and required files for single click HTC Desire Unlock, Unbrick, IMEI repair.

RIFF JTAG – JTAG Manager v1.20, RIFF Box firmware v1.16 released

16.12.2010  JTAG Manager v1.20, RIFF Box firmware v1.16 released

Whats new :

JTAG Manager 1.20

– added 4.2V power supply output (RIFF RJ45 pin 1) controlling feature
For this go to DCC Read/Write page, click “Notifications…”, the Notifications dialog will be displayed,
go to “For Advanced Users” page and set desired mode for “Enable 4.2V output” checkbox.
When enabled, 4.2V line will be powered on after any “JTAG” operation executed and will remain “ON” until
box restart or until “Enable 4.2V output” checkbox is unchecked and any “JTAG” operation is executed.
– (SDK): exported new SUB_ID_GET_ROM_INFO function for resurrectors;

Firmware 1.16

– code is optimized to avoid deadlocks in ARM11 handling routines;
– reset sequence (after NRST assertion) is optimized for ARM11 core;
– added 4.2V power supply output (RIFF RJ45 pin 1) controlling feature

Please start JTAG Manager and click “Check for Updates” button. You’ll be notified about new files, download it and restart the software.

RIFF JTAG – DELL XCD28 (ZTE Racer) Unbrick, dead boot repair supported

16.12.2010  DELL XCD28 (ZTE Racer) Unbrick, dead boot repair supported

Please start JTAG Manager and click “Check for Updates” button. You’ll be notified about new DLL, download it and restart the software.
“DELL_XCD28.dll” contains pinout, instructions and required repair files forDELL XCD28 (ZTE Racer) Unbrick, dead boot repair.

RIFF JTAG – Samsung Z540 Unbrick/Dead boot repair supported

14.12.2010  Samsung Z540 Unbrick/Dead boot repair supported

Please start JTAG Manager and click “Check for Updates” button. You’ll be notified about new DLL, download it and restart the software.
“Samsung_Z540.dll” contains pinout, instructions and required repair files for Samsung Z540 Unbrick/Dead boot repair.

RIFF JTAG – CDMA Update, Samsung A900 Blade Unbrick/Dead boot repair supported

14.12.2010   CDMA Update, Samsung A900 Blade Unbrick/Dead boot repair supported

Please start JTAG Manager and click “Check for Updates” button. You’ll be notified about new DLL, download it and restart the software.
“Samsung_A900.dll” contains pinout, instructions and required repair files for Samsung A900 Blade Unbrick/Dead boot repair.

RIFF JTAG – ZTE MF180 Broadband modem Unbrick, Dead boot repair supported

10.12.2010   ZTE MF180 Broadband modem Unbrick, Dead boot repair supported

Please start JTAG Manager and click “Check for Updates” button. You’ll be notified about new DLL, download it and restart the software.

“ZTE_MF180.dll” contains pinout, instructions and required repair files for ZTE MF180 Unbrick/Boot repair.

RIFF JTAG – CDMA Update, ZTE-C N600 Boot repair/Unbrick supported

10.12.2010  CDMA Update, ZTE-C N600 Boot repair/Unbrick supported

Please start JTAG Manager and click “Check for Updates” button. You’ll be notified about new DLL, download it and restart the software.
“ZTE_N600.dll” contains pinout, instructions and required repair files for ZTE-C N600 Unbrick/Boot repair.

RIFF JTAG – CDMA Android update – Huawei C8500 Unbrick/Boot repair supported

01.12.2010  CDMA Android update – Huawei C8500 Unbrick/Boot repair supported

Please start JTAG Manager and click “Check for Updates” button. You’ll be notified about new DLL, download it and restart the software.

“Huawei_C8500.dll” contains pinout, instructions and required repair files for Huawei C8500 Unbrick/Boot repair.

RIFF JTAG – HTC Hero (G2 Touch) Unlock, IMEI Change, CID Update, Unbrick – Boot repair supported

29.11.2010  HTC Hero (G2 Touch)Unlock, IMEI Change, CID Update, Unbrick – Boot repair supported

Please start JTAG Manager and click “Check for Updates” button. You’ll be notified about new DLL, download it and restart the software.

“HTC_Hero.dll” contains pinout, instructions and required repair files for HTC Hero (G2 Touch) Unlock, IMEI Change, CID Update, Unbrick – Boot repair.

RIFF JTAG – HTC Wildfire Unlock, IMEI Change/Repair, CID Update, Unbrick – Boot repair supported

29.11.2010 HTC Wildfire Unlock, IMEI Change/Repair, CID Update, Unbrick – Boot repair supported

Please start JTAG Manager and click “Check for Updates” button. You’ll be notified about new DLL, download it and restart the software.
“HTC_Wildfire.dll” contains pinout, instructions and required repair files for HTC Wildfire Unlock, IMEI Change/Repair, CID Update, Unbrick – Boot repair.