RIFF JTAG – CDMA Micromax C111 Boot repair supported

06.04.2011  CDMA Micromax C111 Boot repair supported

Resurrecting Micromax C111 is simple. Board is auto powered on when battery is inserted and USB cable is connected.
There are 2 different hardware revisions of this phone – one is based on Qualcomm QSC1100 MCU and other – is Qualcomm QSC6010 MCU. Current resurrector shall be selected if you have QSC1100 revision.
Resurrector re-flashes only firmware zone of the phone (0x000000 to 0x6FFFFF).

To resurrect Micromax C111:

  • Solder JTAG cable to Micromax C111 JTAG pads;
  • Connect ignition cable for auto power on or use battery;
  • Make sure Micromax C111 is selected in the list of models;
  • Click Resurrect button;
  • Wait till software signals a successful operation completion;
  • De-solder JTAG wires;

Please click “Check For Updates” button in order to download and apply new files. Closing all running application before starting update process is recommended.

RIFF JTAG – HTC Advantage X7510 (HTC Athena) Unbrick – Boot Repair supported

04.04.2011  HTC Advantage X7510 (HTC Athena) Unbrick – Boot Repair supported

Resurrection of HTC Athena is easy. Most convenient is to have USB cable connected and battery inserted.
If during connection progress bar in JTAG Manager keeps running from 0 to 100% press with stylus the reset button on the phone (reset button is near to the JTAG pads).
Resurrector will reflash IPL and SPL areas. You can select SPL version to be flashed in the settings window which popups before resurrection. IPL which is flashed: “ATHENA IPL DVT 2.02 H3” version.
Current resurrector works only with HTC Athena hardware revisions which have DiskOnChip H3 memory chip installed. If you have hardware revision with DiskOnChip G4 memory chip used then select different resurrector.

To resurrect HTC Athena with DiskOnChip H3:

  • Solder JTAG cable to HTC Athena JTAG pads;
  • Insert battery and connect USB cable to phone and PC;
  • Make sure HTC Athena is selected in the list of models;
  • Click Resurrect button;
  • Wait till software signals a successful operation completion;
  • Disconnect USB cable, de-solder JTAG wires;

Now phone is in bootable condition, that is, even if it does not start up normally you can flash it using known flashing methods.

To enter download mode:

  • Disconnect PC cable;
  • Insert battery;
  • Hold ‘Camera’ key and press ‘Power ON’ key or use stylus to press ‘Reset’ button. In few seconds you should see TriColor picture.

Additional info:

  • DiskOnChip H3’s full NAND memory chip is divided into partitions by the internal memory controller. Thus DCC Loader creates virtual FLASH chip for each partition – you can read/write these partitions by selecting proper ROM index (“Access ROMi Address Space”) on the JTAG Manager’s DCC Read/Write page;
  • DiskOnChip H3 has no spare zones, thus only Main field must be used during write operations. ECC Enable checkbox has no meaning here.

Please click “Check For Updates” button in order to download and apply new files. Closing all running application before starting update process is recommended.

RIFF JTAG – HTC Ozone XV6175 (HTC Chief) Unbrick, Boot Repair, Unlock, IMEI Repair, CID Update supported

31.03.2011    HTC Ozone XV6175 (HTC Chief) Unbrick, Boot Repair, Unlock, IMEI Repair, CID Update supported

Resurrecting HTC Chief is easy:
Resurrector will reflash radio’s boot zone and will re-write PDA’s SPL to 0.44.0000 SPL version.
Additionally, the zone which contains Model ID is re-flashed too. Thus after resurrection phone will have Model ID = ‘CEDA10000’.
As well, you can change CID – for this make sure ‘Repair Custom ID’ field is checked in the Resurrection Guide dialog.

To resurrect HTC Chief:

  • Solder JTAG cable to HTC Chief JTAG pads;
  • Make sure HTC Chief is selected in the list of models;
  • Insert battery and connect USB Cable;
  • Click Resurrect button;
  • Wait till software signals a successful operation completion;
  • Disconnect power supply, de-solder JTAG wires;

Now phone is in bootable condition, that is, even if it does not start up normally, you can flash it using known flashing methods.

Please click “Check For Updates” button in order to download and apply new files. Closing all running application before starting update process is recommended.

RIFF JTAG – RIFF Data Exchange Plugin 1.00 released

31.03.2011 RIFF Data Exchange Plugin 1.00 released
First release of the RIFF Data Exchange Plugin: please download it, and then select it on Usefull Plugins page in the JTAG Manager to read short description about the plugin’s abilities. In short it allows RIFF BOX users to share and use Full Image files in centralized manner without need to waste a lot of time for browsing countless forums.

Because of big sizes of Full Image files, we don’t host them, instead users share links to file sharing servers where the files are actually uploaded. (like megaupload.com, rapidshare.com and others) You can browse existent links for required image file or share your image file (by sharing a http link) to help other RIFF BOX users.

If you share image file please take attention to carefully fill file details so for other people this to be an easy task to search for required file (link)
If you used link to download file and found it good or bad or link to be broken – please Rate this link so other users see the usability of the link.
At the moment of first release of this plugin there are already few links shared so you’ll catch the idea fast.

Please click “Check For Updates” button in order to download and apply new files. Closing all running application before starting update process is recommended.

RIFF JTAG – JTAG Manager v1.29, RIFF Box Firmware v1.21 released

31.03.2011  JTAG Manager v1.29, RIFF Box Firmware v1.21 released

JTAG Manager 1.29

  • Fixed bug with plugins managing in case there is more than 1 plugin DLL available;
  • Currently selected plugin is remembered now and will stay on next startups;
  • Fixed Access Violation error during software startup in case there is none resurrector DLL present;
  • Added Reset Method selection feature for more precise reset operation when Custom Target Settings is active;
  • Updates manager & Updates tracking were completely reworked, and now are based not on the system time but on file’s hashing.
    Thus since now on the JTAG Manager’s installation folder can be copied/moved/re-installed (whatever else) without need to re-download full set of files again.
  • (SDK): more functions are now available (exported) for future Resurrector DLLs;
  • Many cosmetic changes;
  • FINALLY: “healed” the optimized DLL loading scheme:
    User shall see: “Found and Initialized: XXX New and YYY Old External Repair Pack(s)” where XXX must be always non-zero only on first startup after there were new DLLs downloaded from the support.
    On following JTAG Manager startups XXX shall be always equal to zero (!!!)
    For example, after downloading 3 more new DLLs while there were 100 Resurrector DLLs already installed, after JTAG Manager restarts user shall see:
    Found and Initialized: 3 New and 100 Old External Repair Pack(s)
    on next and all following restarts user shall see:
    Found and Initialized: 0 New and 103 Old External Repair Pack(s)
  • Re-worked balloon hints system – Own (not windows’) balloons are shown, so no matter now what are the windows’ tray icon settings are.
  • Added balloon hints for cases when target is not detected, error code 0x45, Device Id = 0x000000E1.
    Don’t forget that balloons hints can be switched on or off from the DCC Read/Write page – click “Notifications…” and select”For Advanced Users” page to see settings
  • – JTAG Manager now has new Icons 🙂
  • – Improved JTAG Manager restarting during updating itself

Firmware 1.21

  • Added RX-polling feature (debugger-to-target) for PXA3XX DCC transfers.

RIFF BOX firmware is able now to wait (if resurrector DLL will request so) for PXA3XX target to be ready to accept
next packet over DCC: this feature slows down a little the JTAG-to-Target DCC
transfers but guaranties no packets loss for slow clocked targets;

Please click “Check For Updates” button in order to download and apply new files. Closing all running application before starting update process is recommended.


21.03.2011 MARVELL PXA3XX NAND Generic DLL Released


  • Resurrector PXA3XX contains only NAND DCC Loader, thus it is to be used only for operations on DCC Read/Write page in the JTAG Manager.

Embedded DCC Loader is designed to work inside of MCU’s internal RAM memory, thus it is not sensitive to external SDRAM configuration or availability or its physical state.

Please click “Check For Updates” button in order to download and apply new files. Closing all running application before starting update process is recommended.

RIFF JTAG – RoverPC EVO V7 Unbrick – Dead boot repair supported

21.03.2011  RoverPC EVO V7 Unbrick – Dead boot repair supported

RoverPC Evo V7 resurrection is simple. Phone is auto powered on with USB Data Cable connected to the PC. Battery presence is not required; connection can be established with detached board.

To resurrect RoverPC Evo V7:

  • Solder JTAG cable to RoverPC Evo V7 JTAG pads;
  • Connect USB cable to phone and PC;
  • Make sure RoverPC Evo V7 is selected in the list of models;
  • Make sure a fixed TCK frequency is selected;
  • Click Resurrect button;
  • Wait till software signals a successful operation completion;
  • Disconnect USB cable, de-solder JTAG wires;

Now phone is in bootable condition, that is, even if it does not start up normally, you can flash it using original firmware downloader software to restore it to the working state.

To enter download mode:

  • Disconnect PC cable;
  • Insert battery;
  • Hold both ‘Volume Down’ and ‘Camera’ keys and press Power-On.

Please click “Check For Updates” button in order to download and apply new files. Closing all running application before starting update process is recommended.

RIFF JTAG – RIFF Box firmware v1.21 released

21.03.2011  RIFF Box firmware v1.21 released

Whats new:

  • Added RX-polling feature (debugger-to-target) for PXA3XX DCC transfers.

RIFF BOX firmware is able now to wait (if resurrector DLL will request so) for PXA3XX target to be ready to accept
next packet over DCC: this feature slows down a little the JTAG-to-Target DCC
transfers but guaranties no packets loss for slow clocked targets;

Please click “Check For Updates” button in order to download and apply new files. Closing all running application before starting update process is recommended.

RIFF JTAG – Huawei E153U Broadband modem unbrick – dead boot repair supported

17.03.2011  Huawei E153U Broadband modem unbrick – dead boot repair supported

Resurrecting Huawei E153U is simple. Just make sure you solder all JTAG signals and insert modem into a USB port for it to get powered.
If modem is not detected by RIFFBOX JTAG, disconnect JTAG connector, re-insert modem into USB and then connect back the JTAG connector.
There are secured (QCSBL is signed) and non-secured (QCSBL is not signed) modem revisions exist. Resurrector will automatically detect board revision and will select proper data to be flashed.
No matter what h/w revision is you can select which partitions are to be flashed during resurrection process.

To resurrect Huawei E153U:

  • Solder JTAG cable to Huawei E153U JTAG pads;
  • Insert Huawei E153U modem into any USB port for power;
  • Make sure Huawei E153U is selected in the list of models;
  • Click Resurrect button;
  • Wait till software signals a successful operation completion;
  • De-solder JTAG wires;

Please click “Check For Updates” button in order to download and apply new files. Closing all running application before starting update process is recommended.

RIFF JTAG – Toshiba Portege G900 Unbrick, Dead Boot repair supported

14.03.2011 Toshiba Portege G900 Unbrick, Dead Boot repair supported

Resurrection of Toshiba Portégé G900 PDA part is not hard. Battery is required for successful HALT operation. If USB Data Cable is connected phone is auto powered on when battery is inserted.
If during connect operation (“Establish communication with the phone…”) after 2-3 passes there is still no success (progress bar keeps running from 0 to 100% and so on) then remove battery and insert it again. If USB cable is not connected then press and hold Power On key.
Current resurrector re-flashes only the EBOOT and secondary EBOOT area, and will not re-write IPL area (though write of this area is supported too).
Please note: DiskOnChip G4 memory has security features, due to which there is a risk of permanently blocking the access to the flash memory while re-flashing the IPL areas. Current resurrector will not touch the IPL zone, but it is possible you’re already holding such killed device in hands. If it is so you will see this error:
Detected a Not Initialized FLASH1 Chip ID: 0x0400/0xFBFF
ERROR: Selected FLASH Chip was not initialized by the DCC Loader

This can happen due to unknown protection keys used or due to permanently blocked MDOC chip. If latter is true we advise you to solder a new flash memory chip or throw this phone away to the trash bin.

To resurrect Toshiba G900 PDA part:

  • Solder JTAG wires to the Toshiba G900 PDA pads;
  • Connect USB cable to phone and PC;
  • Make sure Toshiba G900 PDA is selected in the list of models;
  • Insert battery and click Resurrect button;
  • Wait till software signals a successful operation completion;
  • Disconnect USB cable, de-solder JTAG wires;

Now phone is in bootable condition, that is, even if it does not start up normally, you can flash it using known flashing methods.

To enter USB download mode:

  • Disconnect PC cable;
  • Insert battery;
  • Hold ‘Left soft’ key (which is exactly above the Dial key) and press ‘Power ON’ button. In few seconds you should see red download screen.

To enter SD-card download mode:

  • Disconnect PC cable;
  • Insert battery;
  • Hold ‘D’ key and press ‘Power ON’ button.

Additional info:

  • Phone has DiskOnChip G4 memory type, which has security features. It has two password protected partitions (Password1 = 12345678, Password2 = 00000000);
  • IPL re-flash is not performed in this resurrector on purpose. While re-flashing the IPL area there is a risk of permanently blocking the memory chip.
  • Any write access (Erase or Write) on MDOC NAND memory range 0x00000000 to 0x0017FFFF is rejected by the DCC Loader. For full image writing convenience access to that range will not rise any error, data will just be ignored and reported as if it was written successfully, thus you still can write full image files using ‘Auto FullFlash Size’ checked.

Please click “Check For Updates” button in order to download and apply new files. Closing all running application before starting update process is recommended.