10.03.2011 RIFF JTAG Manager v1.27, RIFF Box Firmware v1.19
Whats new :
RIFF JTAG Manager v1.27
- Fixed access violation bug upon JTAG Manager startup if there is no RIFF Box detected and Cancel button is clicked.
- (SDK): more functions are now available (exported) for future Resurrector DLLs;
- Added flags for JTAG Manager to be able to retrieve memory chip size from the DCC Loader.
- Fixed initialization bug for NOR-related DCC Loadererss
- ScriptEngine: added options pocessing ‘/byte’, ‘/word’, ‘/long’ to data.save.binary instruction: thus it’s possible now to read memory through script using desired bus access width (8-,16-, or 32-bit widths). For example: “data.save.binary c:\myfile.bin 0x00..0x11FF /word” – will read 0x1200 bytes from memory into myfile.bin file starting from address 0x00 using 16-bit bus accesses.
Note: “Read Memory” button on the JTAG Read/Write page reads memory using 32-bit bus accesses only.
RIFF Box Firmware v1.19
- Added more H/W script (*.has) instructions;
- Added HTC security processing functions;
Please click “Check For Updates” button in order to download and apply new files. Closing all running application before starting update process is recommended.